Stay a whileStay a while (停留一會兒) (女) Into my room he creeps他潛入我的房間Without making a sound沒有發出半點聲響Into 房地產my dream he peeps他窺視我的夢境With his hair all long and hanging down透過他那披垂的髮 (女) How he make me quiver他不禁使我買屋網顫抖How he make me smile他不禁使我微笑With all this love I have to give him為了所有獻給他的愛 I guess I'm gonna stay 買房子with him awhile我想我會留下來陪他一會兒 (男) She brushed the curls from my eyes她撥開我眼前捲曲的長髮She drop her robe on 租房子the floor她褪去長袍掉落在地板上She reaches for the light on the bureau她的手伸向桌上的燈And the darkness is her pillow once 房屋出租more枕上又陷入一片黑暗 (男) How she make me quiver她不禁使我顫抖How she make me smile她不禁使我微笑With all this love I 售屋網have to give her為了所有獻給她的愛I guess I'm gonna stay with her awhile我想我會留下來陪她一會兒 How he ( she ) make 賣房子me quiver他(她)不禁使我顫抖How he ( she ) make me smile他(她)不禁使我微笑With all this love I have to give him ( her )為了新成屋所有獻給他(她)的愛 I guess I'm gonna stay with him ( her ) awhile *我想我會留下來陪他(她)一會兒stay with her awhile我房屋買賣想我會多陪你一會兒

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找房子 YAHOO!


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